Booster Club

Who We Are

Executive Board

Janelle Roberts

Executive Board

Abby Price

Executive Board

Megan Kuhn

Executive Board

Rachel Rigdon

All communication for competitive students/parents will be conducted through the app, Band. 

About Us

Team Elite Booster Club is a non-profit

501c3 organization formed to support

all competitive athletes at AIM High



Quarterly meetings are held January, April, July and October. TBD dates, notifications sent out on BAND and posted on our Booster site located within the parent portal. Separate monthly/bi-weekly meetings are held for upcoming fundraisers. These meetings are short 30-minute check-ins. Review upcoming fundraiser progress, drop off any upcoming fundraiser donations and plan out fundraiser details.


Fundraising is the primary purpose of the Team Elite Booster Club in order to lend financial support to the dance, gymnastic and cheer competitive teams. This aides in the personal development of each member of the teams and to foster national competition. Team Elite Booster Club is a 501c3 charitable organization. A limited amount of cooperative fundraising is allowed in which proceeds raised by individuals can be directly applied to their account to be used for appropriate expenses.

Every person plays a vital role in the success of the of the fundraisers. Whether securing sponsors, selling tickets, gathering auction baskets or leading the team, everyone is needed.

Cooperative Fundraising

Any funds earned through cooperative fundraising will be placed in an individual family, booster account. A disbursement form must be filled out in order to disperse any funds for payment.

Qualified expenses:

● Competition fees

● Competition attire

● Required practice wear

purchased through AHE

● Bus or plane fee (covers

competitive student only)

● Hotel fee 

Non-qualified expenses:

● Tuition

● Entrance fees

● Spirit wear for spectators

● Fuel

● Food

● Any item not purchased through


Annual fundraisers that benefit ALL competitive students:

Lucky Bingo

Golf Tournament

Trivia Night

Wreath Raffle

Annual Individual fundraisers that benefit only those that participate:

Strawberry Fundraiser

TJ Pizza

Disbursement Forms

To utilize your competitive student’s

fundraiser money to put towards

qualified expenses, the parent/guardian

must fill out a disbursement form. The

disbursement form is now an online

form, located on the parent portal as

well as on the ALL-Competitive BAND page. Fill out the form, include receipts

if applicable and submit. An email

confirmation will be sent to your

personal email and the Booster Club will

respond in a timely manner.

Annual Individual fundraisers that benefit only those that participate:

Strawberry Fundraiser

TJ Pizza

Disbursement Forms

To utilize your competitive student’s

fundraiser money to put towards

qualified expenses, the parent/guardian

must fill out a disbursement form. The

disbursement form is now an online

form, located on the parent portal as

well as on the ALL-Competitive BAND page. Fill out the form, include receipts

if applicable and submit. An email

confirmation will be sent to your

personal email and the Booster Club will

respond in a timely manner.