Welcome to

 Aim High Elite 


What's New


2024/25 Session begins Sept 3- call or email aimhighelitellc@gmail.com to get signed up. 

Preschool week is ballet (march 10th)- Pink Ballet shoes needed.

Please call or email us to register, it's never too late!

Registration open all year long!


Upcoming Events

It's here!!! Welcome to our AHE Family! 🫶🏼

Registration begins August 5th (so hold those emails and phone calls until the 5th), but while you wait, check out the schedule, jot down your class of choice, and make sure you are registered in our parent portal at aimhighelite.net. Returning family members will simply update their info and waiver on file. (Registration and first month tuition due upon enrollment).

Call (636-528-6469) or email (aimhighelitellc@gmail.com) on August 5th and let us know which classes you want to be signed up for and join our AHE family!

Our registration fees and full breakdown of tuition is on our website, as well as a complete list of all the classes we offer, info about our staff, our policies, our procedures, and our recital and programs. Not to mention, you'll find some really great pictures of our gym/studio family, and our incredible athletes and dancers here at AHE.

Together, We are Family